Our purpose

We address your obligations

Our purpose

At ECOTIC Envases, we offer an efficient collaboration framework for companies in the sector to meet their obligations under Royal Decree 1055/2022 on packaging and waste.

Our purpose

At ECOTIC Envases, we offer an efficient collaboration framework for companies in the sector to meet their obligations under Royal Decree 1055/2022 on packaging and waste.

What is Royal Decree 1055/2022?

This decree establishes Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) in Spain for all packaging, encompassing both industrial and commercial.

For the first time in Spain, this decree establishes obligatory EPR for industrial and commercial packaging. This new law affects all companies that use packaging to transport and sell their products on the national market.

With this new regulation, packaging, import and intra-community acquisition companies are responsible for organising and funding the management of waste generated by industrial and commercial packaging.

This is a huge change, as it was previously the end consumers who had to fund and manage packaging waste from the products they received.

RD 1055/2022 RD 1055/2022

Who does this regulation affect?

Royal Decree 1055/2022 on packaging and packaging waste mainly affects companies and organisations that produce, use, manage or market packaging and packaged products in Spain.

This decree establishes regulations and requirements related to preventing, reducing, reusing and recycling packaging and packaging waste, as well as Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for managing this waste.

Specifically, the Royal Decree affects:

  • Producers: Companies that manufacture or import packaged products and, therefore, are responsible for managing the packaging and waste generated by their products.
  • Distributors: Companies that sell packaged products and, therefore, are involved in the packaging production and distribution chain.
  • Waste managers: Companies or organisations responsible for collecting, transporting, processing and recycling packaging waste.


Below, you can complete the registration in the product producers’ registry:

Registration in the Registry of Product Producers Registration in the Registry of Product Producers
  • Public administrations: Responsible for overseeing and enforcing the regulations laid out in the Royal Decree.
  • Consumers: Although indirectly, consumers are also affected by these regulations, as they may see changes in product availability, packaging collection, etc.


Below, you can start the declaration of packaging placed on the market on the Ministry’s website:

Start filing reports on packaging placed on the market Start filing reports on packaging placed on the market

Registration in the Registry of Product Producers

Registry Registry

Start filing reports on packaging put into the market

Reports Reports

Key dates